Automatic detection
Our system is able to detect any motorcycle accident and transmit the position of the pilot using GSM network
IVS (In vehicle system)
The IVS allows the communication with 112, it includes a GSM module, a bluetooth interfaz and a wide range of sensors.
Biker Safe smart band is a wearable with the newest IOT solutions inside. It includes a vibration system, a GPS and sensors. BT module allows communication with 112 through IVS using integrated microphone and audio
Community and Addons
The hardware is connected not only to 112 with using but also with an amazing online user network. Thanks to our community your band will vibrate when a friend is in trouble near to you… so you can support him quickly! In addition vibration can be enabled to advise radars or other road incidents.
BIKERSAFE has a short but intense life. During the development we have reach very important milestones. In addition we have been selected in Startup ScaleUp program where we can share experiences with IOT StartUps from Europe.
BIC Araba awarded our project with economical grant
BIKERSAFE (as a project from Gm2) has been selected among hundred of european start ups to participate in the accelerator program
Ip has been protected in main EU countries covering 80% of motorcycles in Europe
Software and hardware concept demos available
the TEAM



Carlos Asua